Youth Beekeeper Scholarship
The scholarship is an excellent way to introduce beekeeping to an interested young person between the ages of 12 and 17. Most participants enjoy learning about cultivating honey bees, and many continue their efforts beyond the program.
Application deadline: January 15
- To educate youth in the art of beekeeping and to promote a better understanding of the value of honey bees to our environment and to the food chain.
- To provide an opportunity for youth to experience responsibility and enjoyment through beekeeping.
- To provide an avenue for youth to engage in an avocation, and gain the potential to pursue beekeeping as a hobby, sideline or full-time vocation.
The Award
- A one year membership in the Minnesota Hobby Beekeepers Association (MHBA)
- Tuition for University of Minnesota Beekeeping in Northern Climates - Year 1 and Year 2 classes (including textbook) for youth and one parent or guardian
- A complete set of woodenware for a beehive
- A nuc or package of bees for the hive.
- Beekeeping gear: hat, veil, gloves, hive tool and bee smoker
- Mentoring by a MHBA member for one year
- Bees and equipment remain the property of MHBA until all requirements are met. If requirements are not met by November 15 all equipment must be returned to MHBA.
- The applicant must be between the ages of 12 and 17 on the application deadline.
- The applicant must plan to keep their bees within the MHBA membership zone.
- The applicant must be currently enrolled in public, private or home school.
- The applicant must have permission and agreement from parent or guardian.
- The application must be submitted to MHBA no later than application deadline date, see top of page.
Program Committee
- Finalists will be selected by the Youth Beekeeper Scholarship Committee.
- The Youth Beekeeper Scholarship Committee will arrange an interview with finalists and parent/guardian.
- The scholarship will be presented to the applicant by the Youth Beekeeper Scholarship Committee at the first MHBA member meeting in February.
Responsibility of Recipient
- Secure an acceptable place to keep the bee colony. Depending on location this may include obtaining a permit. The recipient will be responsible for any fees required for the permit.
- There may be additional expenses for this endeavor which the recipient is responsible for, including but not exclusively for feed, varroa mite treatments, permit fees etc.
- Attend Beekeeping in Northern Climates - Year 1 and Year 2 classes at the University of Minnesota.(Tuition included as part of the scholarship.)
- Register as a member of MHBA. Dues for one year included as part of the scholarship.
- Attend at least six of the ten MHBA meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, Feb. - Nov.
- Assemble and paint the woodenware equipment.
- Keep a log of your beekeeping experience.
- Pick up your bees and install them in your equipment.
- Care for your bees as taught in class and directed by your mentor. This will require working with them at least every 7-10 days for about an hour.
- Prepare and give a talk to the membership of MHBA at the June meeting.
- Prepare and give a talk about bees or beekeeping to two public groups
- Prepare and give a talk to the membership of MHBA at the November meeting
- Thank the MHBA and others that have donated to the Youth Beekeeper Scholarship program.
How to Apply
- Download the application
- Fill out the application form completely.
- Submit completed application, reference letter and signed Terms and Conditions of Agreement by application deadline.
Email to [email protected]
Or mail completed application to:
Gary Reuter
1460 80th St.
Amery, WI 54001