Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question to view the answer.

First, remove the stinger if it is still stuck in your skin. You can scrape the sting site with your fingernail or a credit card. The sooner the stinger is removed, the smaller will be the reaction. Then visit the University of Nebraska, Lincoln website, where you will find a comprehensive guide to the treatment of stings.

Your first step is to determine the type of bees.

Next contact Bob Sitko at 651-436-7915 or by email at [email protected]. He keeps a list of MN beekeepers that be able to safely retrieve the swarm and give it a proper home. Bees collected and relocated in this way can then continue doing their good deeds of pollinating and making honey. We appreciate your help in protecting honey bee swarms.

When you call Bob, be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. How long has the swarm been there?
  2. Where are they located?
  3. What is your phone number?

Check your local farmers market, or visit MinnesotaGrown. Here you will find a list of all the farmers markets in the state.

There are many reasons colonies perish, but often the culprits are varroa mites. If you weren’t monitoring the varroa count, and keeping it at a normal level, this could be the cause. Consult one of our members, or Ask Buzz for more information.

It is not yet scientifically clear if any one parasite or disease causes the decline of honey bees. A number of factors can make bees more vulnerable and weaken their immune systems, factors such as starvation from lack of foraging on a diversity of healthy plants, pesticides, herbicides, monoculture, poor beekeeping practices and global climate change. Refer to the video Marla Spivak: Why Bees Are Disappearing for ideas on how you personally can help the bees.

Raising honey bees in Minnesota is a little complicated. It’s best to start by taking a class that covers raising bees in northern climates. Check out our Calendar for upcoming meetings and classes.

It’s best to leave them alone or call a beekeeper to retrieve it. Call Terry McDaniel at 612-483-4402. She keeps a list of MN beekeepers that be able to safely retrieve the swarm and give it a proper home. Bees collected and relocated in this way can then continue doing their good deeds of pollinating and making honey. We appreciate your help in protecting honey bee swarms.

When you call, be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. How long has the swarm been there?
  2. Where are they located?
  3. What is your phone number?

Thanks for helping protect the fabulous honeybee.

Contact the swarm chaser chairman, Bob Sitko at 651-436-7915 or email him at: [email protected]

Yes. Educational outreach is part of the MHBA mission. To schedule an event, simply fill out this form or email our community outreach chair at [email protected], who will help locate a member to make a presentation.

  • Display ads must be submitted as JPG, PNG or PDF.
  • Items will be printed as space permits and at the editor’s discretion.
  • Classifieds can be submitted in plain text.
  • Deadline for the newsletter must be received by the 25th of the month for the following month. Earlier is always better.
  • Send items by e-mail [email protected] or post. Please include your name and phone number for clarification as well as your address for billing purposes.

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Classified Ads 1-25 words Free to Members
25-50 words $7
Display Ads 1/8 page $10 2 1/4” x 3 1/2”
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Full page $75 7.5” x 10.5”

Take a look at our community events calendar for more info on how to add your event!

Community Events Calendar

Check out MN Beekeeper Groups for a list.

What beekeeping books are recommended?

We recommend two texts:

  • Beekeeping in Northern Climates by Marla Spivak
  • Beekeeping Hand Book by Diana Sammatero

Both books—and many more—are available in our MHBA lending library.